

Last trek in Nyungwe

For our last trek in Nyungwe we explored the Ngabwe trail which climbs the mountain opposite KCCEM and then runs along its ridge at 2700m altitude. With our FAWE partners we explored a very diverse forest with secondary regrowth, primary elfin forest and wonderful Erica forest on the ridge of quartzite. We again found amazing wildlife including Nyugwe’s only venomous snake the sedge viper. This wonderful metre long green and black snake was hiding in a bush beside the trail.

snake 1

We also saw flying squirrel, a troop of L’hoest monkey (mountain monkey) crossed the canopy above our heads and we saw Rwenzori turaco again with Jess finding these lovely feathers from the bird.


The plants were fantastic too including many orchids and the very rare insectivorous species Utricularia troupinii. The most abundant orchid was Disperis dicerochila shown below.

Disperis dicerochila

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Kitabi and head back to Kigali.


Meet the team

Here we are ready to jump in the KCCEM bus to head back to the forest. The weather is fine and we are all refreshed after a good nights sleep and a substantial breakfast. Thanks again for all the comments, it is great to know you are following our adventures.
