

Enjoying wildlife

White-eyed slaty flycatcher (race torvensis) White-eyed slaty flycatcher (race torvensis) Weaver yet to be indentified Weaver yet to be indentified Speckled mousebird Speckled mousebird

I am particularly enjoying seeing for the first time so many different bird species. The good thing is that you don’t have to try hard to spot interesting birds like the ones in the pictures. Aaron and I spent some time today trying to identify the many types of swifts, martins and swallows that were flying at KCCEM.  Identifying all of them will be the next challenge!


At home in the forest

I am proud of the way my student team is coping with the challenges of the trip, devising and running workshops, working deep in Nyungwe Forest and making friends with the FAWE girls and the KCCEM students. The whole team coped with the challenge the Karimanzovu trek and are ready for the challenge of Mount Bigugu tomorrow. Here are a few more pictures from Kamiranzovu.

Crossing Kamiranzovu swamp Crossing Kamiranzovu swamp Eulophia horsfallii in Kamiranzovu Eulophia horsfallii in Kamiranzovu James and Tom in the Swamp forest with our guide Chris and Emanuel from KCCEM James and Tom in the Swamp forest with our guide Chris and Emanuel from KCCEM


Wonders of Nyungwe

We have no wifi at KCCEM at present but have been given free access to the wifi outside the Rwandan Development Board Offices nearby so expect more news once our workshops are finished this afternoon. In the meantime here are a few highlights of yesterday’s exploration of Nyungwe selected by the team.

Polystachya aff. virginae could be a new species Polystachya aff. virginae could be a new species

Jacob helping students with orchid identification
