

Media Libraries

Granted – the Media Library has been a bit rubbish for the past few months but now it’s new, updated and you have no excuse to not visit it!

We’ve added four videos from the archives as well as Image galleries from our various expeditions, shows etc.  Once I perfect the art of shrinking photos to under our upload limit you can expect a lot more to start popping up!

Have a look around!


Working rain, shine or snow!

Luke Barnes and Simon Pugh Jones braved the snow to care for the plants!
Luke Barnes and Simon Pugh Jones braved the snow to care for the plants!

All schools in the south west may be shut because of snow, but writhlington orchid project carries on regardless!  It’s 7 degrees in the cool end but the snow seems to be forming a nice inulating blanket over most of the greenhouse.

The lab is a nice warm 25 degrees but I’m told that doesn’t count!


FLOWing to a Chelsea medal?

Snow wasn’t the only thing causing excitement at Writhlington school this week.  Granted most of the school were more interested in the snow but a select few of us were particularly excited about the arrival of an integral part of our Chelsea flower show display for 2009.

The Chelsea Flow Cabinate
The Chelsea Flow Cabinate

This brand new Laminar flow cabinate is a key part of or Chelsea display as it will feature a working micropropagation laboratory.  This flow cabinate allows us to work in a clean air environment while we sow orchid seed etc.

The challange now will be to transport this essential piece of equipment up to Chelsea and then back, and then into it’s final resting place in the new school in september 2010, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it!
