

483 Million Plants!

Well, Maybe not that many! But we do have a lot of plants both for sale and for display this London show.

As London week dawns and I rub of the ‘6’ an replace it with a ‘4’ on our low-tech countdown timer in the lab, we’re all excited at the prospect of a profitable weekend. We’re also excited at the realisation that the RHS hall has Wi-Fi router things! Meaning that we may be able to bring you updates from the show itself!

Very exciting, and it means that the picture of me isn’t the first thing you see when you log onto the site – marvellous!


Our Lab manager is the Nose!

Now, we’ve been having a bit of an argument of late.  Many people believe that I am one of the red noses of RND2009.  I felt sure I could count on the rest of the orchid project to back me up in saying that I look nothing like it, but they have said they’d never seen such a likeness!

To settle this once and for all I have an easy comparison for you below!  Make your own mind up!



Circus Skills!?

At this point you may be wondering “What on earth does circus skills have to do with orchids?”.  Well the honest answer is – Nothing what-so-ever!  But it’s fun (so I’m told!).

Simon Pugh-Jones was previously a circus entertainer and as a result of this, many students learn’t circus skills about 4 years ago.  Today the clubs, balls and unicycle came back out of the cuboard and everyone’s been having a go.

So there, you didn’t expect us to be doing that today!  To be honest, neither did I!
