

Stenoglottis longifolia 1


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  1. Judy says:

    I bought one of these 3 years ago and I love it , I have split one business don’t know if I repotted in the right compost mix .i used bark and spa moss is this correct? Also do they need to be kept well watered all year or do they need a dry to time?

    • Simon Pugh-Jones says:

      That is lovely to hear – they are not that fussy about compost and we have grown them successfully in plain bark, bark and moss and even bark with peat free compost. We find that reducing water to once every two weeks in December and January reduces the chances of rotting roots when it is resting. Gradually increase water from February and by the end of march they are in full growth and we water heavily from then through the whole summer. Have you seen we have its cousine Stenoglottis fimbriata on our online shop?