

Coelogyne multiflora – 365 days of orchids – day 1139


Coelogyne multiflora from the island of Sulawesi just east of Borneo is one of our large, warm growing Coelogynes. The broad leaves are 70cm long but conveniently upright and the dramatic flower spikes form from the centre of new growths in the early spring. This year we have four spikes each with around 300-400 of the white, yellow and orange flowers. Multiflora is certainly an excellent name.

We grow the plant in Warm Asia with a minimum of 17C which will be similar to the natural habitat in lower montain forests at around 1200m altitude. It is reported as growing on fallen tree trunks and we grow it in a large pot where we keep it damp all year and well shaded from direct sun.

Relatively few orchid species live on fallen dead trees but those that do, appreciate additional feed to replicate the relatively nutrient rich environment they are evolved to suit. It is worth giving this species additional feed when in growth to build large bulbs that flower well the following year.

The species is very scented but it is not the most attractive of scents to my nose – a little musty.


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  1. Agnes Jones says:

    I have one of these large coelogynes growing on my windowsill. When it flowered for the first time I blamed the dog for a rather unpleasant odour. Poor dog!

    Mine has lots of beautiful flowers but after reading your blog I will definitely give it more food.