

Some orchids of Bako


We found around twenty orchid species on Baku with several in flower. These are two Cleisostoma species, Cleisostoma teretifolium growing in dry scrubby forest on a plateau at 100m altitude, and the very familiar Cleisostoma subulatum (we grow it at school) growing in coastal swamp forest.

Also in swamp forest we found Pomatocalpa diffusum in full flower. This is a large growing epiphyte with a large number of small flowers on branched spikes.

In contrast Bulbophyllum grudense is tiny. It has 5mm bulbs and a 1cm leaf with 5mm dark red bell shaped single flowers – well worth hunting for.



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  1. Annie says:

    What amazing orchids well spotted, is that a tiny Bulbophyllum growing around the Clisoestoma teretifolium?
    Loving the Bulbophyllum
    Sounds like a truly magical place!