

Macroclinium chasei- 365 days of orchids – day 908

We always seem to forget at least one orchid in the greenhouse when we head to a show and this weekend it is Macroclinium chasei that should be entertaining the crowds at Malvern but is still hanging around in our Warm Asia section (despite being from South America!)

This tiny miniature is a warm growing member of the Oncidium family. It is native to Peru and Bolivia where it is found as a twig epiphyte in forest from 200-800m.

The plant forms a small fan of leaves only 2cm across and then produces a long pendulous flower spike that ends with a bunch of around 8-12 1cm flowers. A very dramatic little species.

The plants is from a flask purchased from Peruflora at the 2016 London Orchid Show and flowering now for the third or fourth time. We currently Plants are all mounted and hang on a shaded mesh in Warm Asia where they are sprayed once a day.


Perhaps the plant will join the show on Saturday.


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  1. Gareth Buckle says:

    We haven’t room for it anyway!

  2. A Jones says:
